Visits from esteemed Hospital Directors at our manufacturing facilities

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Doctors' visit

Visits from esteemed Hospital Directors at our manufacturing facilities

During the past month, our company had the honor of being visited by esteemed Hospital Directors. Mr. Christodoulou, the esteemed surgeon and Director of the Ophthalmology Department at “Agios Andreas” General Hospital of Patras as well as Dr. Pavlakis, the Director of the Ophthalmology Department at “Nikaia” General Hospital of Athens together with Dr. Mariolis were our visitors.

Doctors' visitsDoctors' visits














During their visits, we had the pleasure of touring them in our facilities, discuss our ongoing projects, and explore opportunities for future collaborations. We are grateful that doctors from all over Greece honor us with choosing our products and visit our facilities to get to know us better and discuss various issues.

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